The beautifully divine Jasmine Collection
It's that time of the year again, when the temperature drop and our friends and neighbours down South prepares for yet another festive time of celebrating family and giving thanks and gratitude. We, at THANN Skincare also have a lot to be thankful for!

It has been one wild roller coaster ride over the years, it has been a lot of learning and changing and adapting to the many changing things around us. It hasn't always been that easy, in all honesty. Nevertheless, we are still here - stronger than ever! We have a tremendous number of loyal fans, friends and family who's been with us all throughout this journey. We have very strong and strategic partners who has collaborated with us and supported us with each and every one of our business ventures.
Sea Foam Shower Gel
We have always been bold and innovative and always strive to set ourselves from the rest but even more so this year! We have broken new grounds and has increased our presence in the web and we have expanded our exposure in social media that THANN has enjoyed an even stronger brand recognition these days!
From traditional media: print, radio and television and online publications, blogs and e-magazines, THANN has absolutely been the HOTTEST commodity in town!
And all THANKS to you!
The world's best lip balm.
So, on that note, we would like to say our thanks and gratitude to all of you and offer you an entire weekend of HUGE, no wait, EPIC SALE! Friends of THANN, North and South of the border and everywhere in between can enjoy 30-40% OFF DISCOUNT on selected THANN products!
It doesn't really matter where you live in the world, the great thing about THANN is not only that we offer the most exceptional customer service known to the retail world, we also SHIP anywhere and everywhere!
Two of THANN's Best-sellers:
Rice Extract Moisturizing Cream and Lip Balm
From now until Sunday, November 27th, come and visit us at our flagship store at 829 Bank Street if you are in Ottawa, Canada or come check us out online at:
THANN Essential Oil
We want to thank this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for the continued loyalty, patronage and love for THANN! Have a HAPPY THANN-KSGIVING. Have a HAPPY THANN Shopping!
Don't forget to Visit us in our website, LIKE us in Facebook, Connect with us here in our Blog, Follow us on Twitter and of course, say Hello in person!
You are more than welcome... anytime.
All photos courtesy of AMY SYMES Photography.